moving sale — Blog — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


moving sale


Business, My Candy Colored WorldAnne Leuck4 Comments

...I've been looking at a lot of it the last two days. I just gave my 30 day notice to terminate my storefront lease on Roscoe. This space didn't turn out to be exactly what I originally envisioned, but in this economy I was very lucky to receive many commissions from folks in the neighborhood, get some great exposure, interact with the community and in the end learn quite a bit about my(neurotic)self! I'm grateful that I was able to host some pet adoption events and share my passion for animals and finding them homes. I also met many artists inquiring about my journey and can only hope they were inspired to follow their artistic dreams.  

So, in a year of many changes in my life, this should complete the logistical portion of these changes, at least for awhile - I hope! Now I have some decisions to make, I loved the space above, but it's a little out of my price range and a bit further north than I want to be. The good news is, I saw some other great options stay tuned, hope to have a new studio secured sooner than later...and this all means good news for you if you like my work: A STUDIO MOVING SALE!  Let me know if you've had your eye on anything, I'm feeling VERY negotiable these days and would rather see my art on your wall than mine!